Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Finished the 2nd Outlander Book!

Friday, May 22, 2009
Pheonix Bistro

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The List
Items in red have been completed.
Items in green are in progress.
1. Start a blog based on this challenge & update frequently
2. Take pictures of each thing (0 / 101)
3. Plan a trip for just my mom, and I
4. Attend Robert’s family reunion
5. Vacation with family once a year (1/3)
6. Take a one week (or longer) vacation with husband
7. Stay a night in a bed and breakfast
8. Write a list of 50 things I love about Robert and give it to him
9. Read The Five Love Languages
10. Attend two concerts together (1/2)
11. Have a picnic on the mountain
12. Complete a craft project together
13. Have date night every Friday night for a month (0/4)
14. Attend Robert’s high school reunion
15. Kiss in the rain
Heath / Food
16. Get down to 160 pounds
17. Get down to 150 pounds
18. Get down to 140 pounds
19. Get down to 130 pounds and stay there!
20. Spend a two weeks as a vegetarian (0 / 14)
21. Eat at 10 new restaurants (1 / 10)
22. Bake / cook something new (0 / 25)
23. Grow some fresh herbs for home-cooked meals
24. Participate in a 5k walk / run
25. Take vitamins daily
26. Run two miles a day for a week
27. Work out 5 days a week for a month
28. Read 20 books that I have purchased but not yet read and are just sitting on my bookshelf (5 / 20)
29. Read 15 Classics (0 / 15)
30. Finish the Outlander Series
31. Finish the Summer Book Challenge
32. Go to a book signing
33. Purchase a new bookshelf and reorganize books
34. Read at least 75 books a year (1/3)
35. Sew a piece of clothing for myself
36. Create digital photo books for honeymoon & others
37. Paint a picture to hang in the house
38. Create greeting cards and send them to friends
39. Paint decorative serving dishes and plates with Lindsey
40. Put $50 into savings every month for a year (0 / 12)
41. Get Living Wills
42. Pay off all CC debt
43. Start a nest egg in ING
44. Pay off car loan
45. Set up a travel savings account
Giving to Others
46. Send flowers to my mom "just because"
47. Pay for someone's meal / coffee in line behind me
48. Volunteer for something
49. Purge clothes I don’t wear & donate twice a year
50. Participate in a run/walk for cancer research
51. Send someone a surprise gift once a year (1/3)
52. Leave $10 on the ground for a stranger to find
53. Go to Los Angeles
54. Go to Sonoma and tour the vineyards
55. Trip to Vegas
56. Visit a new US state
57. Go back to Mexico
58. Trip to Europe
59. Visit Washington DC
60. Visit Aunt Carolyn in Washington
61. Take a Spanish course
62. Go to three Museums (0/3)
63. Go to the Ballet
64. Visit the Birmingham or Nashville Zoo
65. Visit the Chattanooga Aquarium
66. Learn how to sew
67. Bills in a filing cabinet
68. Dresser drawers!
69. Makeup/jewelry
70. Purses/shoes
71. Photographs
72. Replace all light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs
73. E-mail/card to at least one person I don’t often see (0/3)
74. Send Christmas cards to my closest friends (1/3)
75. Take a girls’ weekend once a year (0/3)
76. Invite friends over for a party once a year (0/3)
77. Make at least one new couple friend
78. Host a ladies only cocktail party
79. Host a dinner party
80. Make a new friend
81. Organize the office
82. Decorate the office
83. Decorate the living room
84. Build a privacy fence
85. Complete my color certification
86. Get my red jacket
87. Complete AT LEAST 3 power starts (0/3)
88. Recruit 10 people
89. Earn my first career car
90. Go into DIQ
91. Go to Seminar for 3 years (0/3)
92. Buy a bra & panty set that matches
93. Buy and drink a bottle of wine that costs more than $20
94. Go to a movie alone
95. Start a journal and write in it 60 times (2 / 60)
96. Wake up early and watch the sun rise
97. Ride a horse!
98. Don’t curse for an entire day
99. Send a secret into PostSecret
100. Wash the dishes every night for a week
101. Review my list when it is complete
101 Tasks + 1001 Days = A New Me!
My 1001 days end on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.